Diabetes Services

There are a number of services that can help you when it comes to looking after yourself if you have diabetes.

Routine care

The majority of people with diabetes are looked after by the Practice Diabetes Team.

We generally like to see all people with diabetes twice a year, once during their annual health check and again 6 months later.

You will receive an invite for both the annual health check and normally a 6 month review. Both of the appointments will be with a Nurse and you will need to have a blood test before each appointment.

There are times when you will need to be seen more often than twice a year, for example after you are first diagnosed or if problems are detected during one of the routine reviews. We arrange these additional reviews as needed and they may be with either a Nurse or one of the Doctors.

The Practice Team

The Practice Nurse and your GP will usually provide this service with assistance from other Healthcare Professionals.

Diabetic clinics are run regularly by specialised nurses by appointment.

Specialist care

If there is a particular problem identified with your diabetes care that we cannot help you with within the Practice, then we will refer you to a specialist service.

Type 2 Diabetes – Know your Risk

Finding out your risk of Type 2 diabetes only takes a few minutes. It could be the most important thing you do today.

Before you start, grab a tape measure and scales…