Remote Monitoring

We are using a digital tool called Doctaly Assist which allows us to use WhatsApp to help monitor many of your long term conditions (such as high blood pressure or asthma). The service has been created by the NHS and Doctaly Assist to help the practice safely manage and monitor patients.

If your condition is appropriate for this service you would be contacted directly via Doctaly and begin to receive messages via WhatsApp, asking you questions about your condition and how you are feeling.- the below image is an example of how it will look:

Your responses will be reviewed by a healthcare professional and if necessary, you may be contacted directly via chat, or phone.
If you have WhatsApp installed, then you are ready. However if not you will need to download it from the Apple/Android App Store. Please help us to help you during the pandemic by responding to our WhatsApp messages from the  Doctaly Assist account.
If you have any queries about the service, contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]